Showing posts with label Educational article. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Educational article. Show all posts

Friday, February 16, 2024

Mengoptimalkan Motivasi Guru untuk Merangsang Kreativitas dan Kinerja Belajar Siswa


Dalam dunia pendidikan, peran seorang guru tidak hanya sebatas menyampaikan materi pelajaran, tetapi juga memiliki dampak yang signifikan dalam membentuk kreativitas dan kinerja belajar siswa. Salah satu faktor kunci yang memengaruhi kualitas pengajaran adalah tingkat motivasi guru itu sendiri. Ketika seorang guru termotivasi dengan baik, ia mampu menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang merangsang kreativitas siswa dan meningkatkan kinerja mereka.

Mengapa Motivasi Guru Penting?

Motivasi guru memiliki pengaruh yang kuat terhadap suasana kelas dan efektivitas pembelajaran. Ketika seorang guru merasa termotivasi, ia cenderung lebih bersemangat, berdedikasi, dan berinovasi dalam menyampaikan materi pelajaran. Motivasi yang tinggi juga membantu guru mengatasi tantangan-tantangan yang mungkin muncul selama proses pembelajaran. Hal ini secara langsung memengaruhi tingkat partisipasi dan minat belajar siswa.

Strategi untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Guru:

1.      Membangun Koneksi dengan Siswa:

Interaksi yang baik antara guru dan siswa dapat meningkatkan motivasi guru. Memahami kebutuhan, minat, dan kemampuan individu siswa membantu guru merasa bahwa mereka memiliki dampak yang positif dalam kehidupan siswa.

2.      Memberikan Dukungan dan Penghargaan:

Pengakuan atas upaya keras guru dalam meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran merupakan hal yang penting. Dukungan dari pimpinan sekolah, rekan kerja, dan komunitas pendidikan juga berperan dalam meningkatkan motivasi guru.

3.      Memberikan Pelatihan dan Pengembangan Profesional:

 Guru yang merasa diberikan peluang untuk mengembangkan keterampilan dan pengetahuan mereka cenderung lebih termotivasi. Pelatihan yang terkait dengan metode pengajaran terbaru, teknologi, atau strategi pembelajaran yang inovatif dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan diri dan motivasi guru.

4.      Menetapkan Tujuan yang Jelas dan Realistis:

Memiliki tujuan yang jelas dan terukur membantu guru untuk tetap fokus dan termotivasi. Tujuan-tujuan ini haruslah realistis dan sesuai dengan kemampuan serta kebutuhan siswa.

Dampak Motivasi Guru terhadap Kreativitas dan Kinerja Belajar Siswa:

Motivasi guru yang tinggi secara langsung memengaruhi kreativitas siswa. Ketika guru menyampaikan materi pelajaran dengan semangat dan inovasi, siswa cenderung lebih terinspirasi untuk berpikir secara kreatif dan mengeksplorasi ide-ide baru. Selain itu, lingkungan belajar yang didukung oleh guru yang termotivasi juga mendorong siswa untuk aktif berpartisipasi dalam proses pembelajaran.

Kinerja belajar siswa juga dipengaruhi oleh motivasi guru. Guru yang termotivasi cenderung lebih efektif dalam menyampaikan materi pelajaran, memberikan umpan balik yang konstruktif, dan menginspirasi siswa untuk mencapai prestasi yang lebih tinggi. Dengan demikian, meningkatkan motivasi guru dapat membawa dampak positif pada pencapaian akademik siswa.


Mengoptimalkan motivasi guru merupakan langkah penting dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan. Ketika guru merasa termotivasi, mereka mampu menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang merangsang kreativitas dan meningkatkan kinerja belajar siswa. Oleh karena itu, penting bagi lembaga pendidikan dan pimpinan sekolah untuk memberikan dukungan dan sumber daya yang diperlukan guna memastikan bahwa motivasi guru tetap tinggi dan berkelanjutan. Dengan demikian, dapat dihasilkan generasi yang lebih kreatif, produktif, dan siap menghadapi tantangan masa depan.

Catatan : Beberapa gambar diambil dari google

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Thursday, February 15, 2024

5 Kiat Menjadi Guru yang Dipercaya dan Dicintai Siswa

Setiap guru pasti menginginkan menjadi guru ideal yang dipercaya dan dicintai siswanya. Karena salah satu indikator keberhasilan seorang guru adalah seberapa banyak mereka dipercaya dan dicintai oleh siswa mereka. Kepercayaan dan kasih sayang ini membentuk ikatan yang kuat antara guru dan siswa, menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang positif dan memungkinkan proses pembelajaran yang optimal. Berikut adalah lima kiat untuk menjadi guru yang dipercaya dan dicintai oleh siswa:

1. Menunjukkan Empati dan Keterbukaan

Menyediakan Buku mewarnai yang membuat anak TK maupun SD asyik mewarnai gambar-gambar indah dan lucu dengan warna-warna yang mereka sukai, yang dapat meransang pertumbuhan kreatifitas dan kecerdasan mereka

Sebagai seorang guru, penting untuk mampu memahami perasaan dan perspektif siswa. Tunjukkan empati terhadap kesulitan yang mereka hadapi dan berikan dukungan secara aktif. Jadilah pembimbing yang tidak hanya mendengarkan, tetapi juga memahami tantangan yang dihadapi siswa di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Selain itu, jadilah terbuka terhadap gagasan dan pendapat siswa. Biarkan mereka merasa bahwa pendapat mereka dihargai dan didengar, sehingga mereka merasa nyaman untuk berbagi ide dan pengalaman.

2. Membangun Hubungan yang Personal

Saat menjadi seorang guru, jangan hanya terfokus pada aspek akademis semata. Luangkan waktu untuk mengenal siswa secara pribadi. Tanyakan tentang minat, hobinya, dan apa yang mereka lakukan di luar sekolah. Membangun hubungan yang personal dengan siswa akan membantu menciptakan ikatan yang lebih kuat dan memperkuat rasa percaya diri mereka terhadap Anda sebagai guru.

3. Menyampaikan Materi dengan Kreatif dan Menyenangkan

Ciptakan pengalaman belajar yang menarik dan mengasyikkan bagi siswa. Gunakan berbagai metode pembelajaran yang kreatif dan interaktif, seperti permainan, diskusi kelompok, atau proyek kolaboratif. Hal ini tidak hanya membuat pembelajaran lebih menyenangkan, tetapi juga membantu siswa untuk lebih aktif terlibat dan memahami materi dengan lebih baik.

4. Memberikan Dukungan dan Umpan Balik yang Konstruktif

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Sebagai seorang guru, penting untuk memberikan dukungan dan umpan balik yang membangun kepada siswa. Berikan pujian saat mereka berhasil, namun juga berikan bimbingan dan dorongan saat mereka menghadapi kesulitan. Berikan umpan balik yang spesifik dan konstruktif agar siswa dapat memahami area di mana mereka perlu meningkatkan dan bagaimana cara untuk melakukannya.

5. Menjadi Teladan yang Baik

Guru adalah teladan bagi siswa mereka. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk menunjukkan sikap dan perilaku yang positif. Jadilah contoh yang baik dalam hal kerja keras, integritas, dan kerjasama. Tunjukkan kepada siswa bagaimana cara mengatasi tantangan dengan bijaksana dan bagaimana menjalin hubungan yang baik dengan orang lain.

Dengan menerapkan kiat-kiat di atas, seorang guru dapat membangun hubungan yang kuat, dipenuhi dengan kepercayaan dan kasih sayang, dengan siswa mereka. Sebuah hubungan yang positif antara guru dan siswa tidak hanya menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang menyenangkan, tetapi juga memungkinkan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang optimal bagi setiap individu.

  Catatan : Beberapa gambar diambil dari google

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Sunday, March 6, 2022

4 Tips to Develop a Good Classroom Environment

Becoming a good teacher is the desire of anyone who has decided to pursue 
the profession as  an educator. To become a good teacher, it’s important to be organized.
 Create lesson plans, objectives, activities, and assessment plans well before each class day.
 Get your students interested in learning by fostering a positive, supportive, yet challenging 
classroom environment. To develop a good classroom emvironment is one of important factor
 for the success of a teacher

This article will describe the tips for the teachers on how to develop a good classroom environment, as follows :

1.     1.  Create a daily objective for your students.

 This is your way of providing a roadmap for your students, it shows them that you’ve put thought into the day’s work and you know where it is heading. It's best if the objectives are clear, brief, and realistic. As each objective is completed, remind your students of what they’ve accomplished together.[1]

·      For example, in a high school literature class, an objective might be to complete a close reading of a particular poem by the end of the period.

·      Some teachers find it helpful to post that day’s objectives on the board.

·      It’s okay if not every objective is met every day. In some cases, it's better to follow the flow of a particular conversation, instead of railroading back to the original subject matter.


2.    2.   Listen to your students. 

Ask them open-ended questions after they’ve made a statement. Encourage them to ask you questions as well. Show that you are listening to them by nodding your head or gesturing for them to continue. Give them eye contact while they are speaking and try your best not to interrupt, unless you must redirect the conversation.

·      Being an active listener shows your students that you respect their voice in the classroom. They will be more likely to give you respect as a teacher in return.

·      It’s also a good idea to model for your students how to respectfully listen to someone while disagreeing with them. You might say, “I’m not sure I agree with what you are saying, can you tell me more? Or, does anyone else want to jump in?”


3.      Keep students on task. 

Set time limits for classroom exercises or activities. In discussions, use your responses to their remarks as a classroom management tool. For example, you might say, “I really like what you are saying. How do you think it connects with objective number five?”

  4.      Push your students to succeed. 

Try to create an environment in which your students will be constantly intellectually challenged. Let them know that it is okay to fail on occasion. You want to strike a balance between setting too high of goals for them and being a push-over. Use your students’ progress to guide your way. They should be steadily improving, but not without considerable effort.

·      For example, you might give a short, advanced-level reading assignment to high school students and ask them to use a dictionary to look up unfamiliar words. If used sparingly, this is a great way to challenge students to expand their vocabulary.


Note :

1.      The source of the article

2.      Some pictures are taken from google


Monday, February 28, 2022

Active Learning and Its important

 “Active learning is generally defined as any instructional method that engages students in the learning process. In short, active learning requires students to do meaningful learning activities and think about what they are doing” (Prince, 2004). Active learning is very important because students will be more enthusiastic and learning outcomes will be maximized


By using strategy active learning students are doing more than simply listening; the aim is skills-development rather than just conveying information; students engage in activities (e.g. discussion, debate, application of principles) aimed to promote higher-order thinking (such as critical thinking, analysis etc). Simulations are becomingly increasingly used in International Relations as tools for active learning, and are well suited to particular topics, however here I wanted to think more broadly about the ways in which active learning could be integrated into any and all lecture topics. Next week I will post a list of strategies for active learning that could be easily integrated into large lectures, including a wide variety of ideas for varying what students are doing, seeing and hearing.

Promoting active learning in lectures has many benefits for student learning. The drop-off in concentration can be limited by using a different approach to learning each 15 minutes (which means changing the way students are engaged, rather than changing topics). Active learning promotes recall and deeper understanding of material, as students are engaging with the content rather than simply listening to it. There are also equity benefits that flow from active learning, as lower-performing students have greater benefits from active learning than students who are already achieving high grades. Another equity outcome from active learning is that using different modes of delivery supports students who have different learning styles. There are clear ethical as well as pedagogical benefits to the use of active learning techniques.

Interacting with content through active learning has some compelling advantages over ‘delivery mode’ lectures. It helps to maintain student concentration and deepens learning towards the higher-level skills like critical thinking. It also helps to engage students who might otherwise struggle. This does not mean doing away with spoken lectures, rather it means integrating different ways of engaging with the material at regular intervals throughout the lecture. Next week I will offer range of possible strategies for making lectures more interactive. Students report that active learning can enhance learning, be more fun, and can help maintain concentration.


1.      The source of article

2.      Some pictures taken from google.

Friday, February 4, 2022

Tips for Becoming a Teacher Trusted by Students

Once a professor advised the students of the Teacher Education Faculty at a university. In short, he said to be a successful learner, a student must have 3 attitudes towards the teacher, namely Respect, Trust, and Wisdom.

Respect for teachers makes students submissive and obedient and polite and courteous to teachers. Feelings of trust in a teacher will make children diligent and listen and obey without hesitation all instructions and teaching materials conveyed by the teacher.

But the problem is from the teacher's side, how to create student trust in this teacher. For this reason, I need to quote articles from There are 4 things the teacher must do, namely:  

 1. Get to know your students and the lives they live 

This is especially important if your students come from a different cultural or socio-economic background than yours. A number of studies have shown that cultural misunderstandings between teachers and students can have a very negative impact on a student's educational experience. However, research has also shown that teachers visit students' homes and spend time developing the awareness and needs of students. If you have limited time, ask students to write down five of their favorite habits.

2. Actively listen to students.

An active teacher listens to students and interprets what students say, then makes sure they understand. This helps to develop a trusting relationship between teachers and students.

3. Ask students for feedback.

Choose a topic that doesn't have to be academic and ask students to write down what puzzles or worries them about the topic. By taking their feedback into account, you are showing students that the teacher also values ​​the opinions and experiences of their students. It also creates a classroom culture where students feel comfortable asking questions and taking risks, thereby helping them grow academically.

4. Reflect through your own experiences carefully.

Oftentimes, we unconsciously treat others the way we have been treated. When one researcher interviewed four different teachers at the school and taught the same students, he found that each teacher cared about his students just as much as he or she had been cared for as a child. They make assumptions about the background of the child based on their own childhood, as a result, the child receives four types of treatment that do not necessarily suit his needs

Those are the 4 tips that teachers might be able to do so that their trust in the teacher arises, with the emergence of this trust, the teaching and learning process will take place safely, peacefully and orderly,


1. The source of the article is

2. Some pictures are taken from google

Friday, August 10, 2018

10 creative ways to teach English that deliver outstanding results

Anna Waren
The English subject leader and the year 6 teacher at Holy Trinity and St Silas School, London.

As an English teacher at an outstanding primary, Anna Warren is often asked for inspiration. Here she shares her favourite approaches for creative English lessons.
As a creative school, with a track record in fantastic English results, we are often asked what our specific approach is: how do we teach through the arts yet manage to maintain such high expectations from all our pupils? I'd like to share some of these approaches with you:

Immersion activities

How can children access stories, poems and other texts if their minds and imaginations not fully engaged? We have found that immersing children in a range of creative activities before reading the text means that they are fully prepared, and excited, about the reading journey ahead of them. Through painting, music composition, a film project, in role drama or sculpture, the kids have had a chance to share vocabulary, ideas and concepts which gives their reading fresh meaning and purpose.

Clear purpose

What's the point of reading and writing anything if you don't know why you're doing it? We aim to provide children with a clear purpose to all reading, and especially writing tasks. Whether it's an invitation to the headteacher to attend a class assembly, an email to an author or an article for a school newspaper, our children know why the quality of their writing matters: because there will be a real audience for their published work.

Professional publishing

One effective way of valuing children's work as well as providing a real incentive, is to plan for a range of ways to publish their writing. Recent examples include a whole school bookmaking project. Following a whole school Inset on bookbinding techniques, every class published their own shared book; one example being an anthology of short spooky stories composed by year 6. Their stories were mounted on handmade paper, accompanied with each child's art work (lino cut style prints on metallic paper) with a dramatic paper cut out front cover. The effort the children put into their work was immense, and the results were stunning as a result. The anthology has been enjoyed by parents and other pupils and the children's pride in their work is clear to see.

Meaningful planning

Where possible, learning in English is linked with subjects within the creative curriculum we follow: the international primary curriculum (IPC). Well in advance of teaching, teachers collaborate and share their ideas for planning through a mind mapping process. Meaningful, creative activities are planned for, ensuring that all staff members know exactly what the children will be learning and why.

Focused on strategies

The teaching of reading is not easy. As children's fluency in reading increases, it's hard to know what reading skills need to be taught, and when. We ensure that specific reading strategies are modelled explicitly to the class; this provides children with a holistic bank of skills to draw upon. This could include scanning a text, making an inference, predicting or creating a mental image. Our teachers use 'think aloud' statements to model to the children how these skills are used, and how they can help them become better readers. These strategies are then shared as a class, and then assessed in follow up guided reading activities.

Inspirational learning environment

Take a trip to our school and you'll find classroom environments that inspire adults and children alike. Not only is the children's work displayed creatively, but there is a range of learning prompts to inspire and support all pupils. We want to encourage our children to discover new texts, genres and authors, so our reading areas are inviting, well resourced and highly organised. Pupils can choose from an exciting array of reading material: newspapers, classic texts, reference books as well as the children's own published stories are just some examples of what book corners might offer.

Drama to engage and inspire

The use of drama is such a powerful tool. Taking the lead from our drama specialist, all teaching staff use a range of techniques to promote the exploration of characters, situations and historical events. This process expands the pupils' imaginations, and provides them with the ideas they need to give their writing that extra spark and flair.

Rigorous teaching of spelling and phonics

In the infants, phonics is streamed, so all children can benefit from tailored teaching, making maximum progress as a result. All phonics and spelling activities are fun, multi sensory and as physical possible, the aim being to meet all learning styles in the class. In the juniors, we try to make homework lists as personalised to the child as possible to ensure that the spelling patterns stick in a meaningful way.

Grammar concepts taught creatively

Grammar cannot be taught as a stand alone activity. What's the point of that? Children begin to understand grammar concepts, and start to apply them in their own writing, when they start to read with a writer's mind. Punctuation rules and techniques are drawn from shared texts; texts which the children have already been immersed in and have a good understanding of. Exploring these, and embedding them creatively is how the learning takes place.

Peer and self assessment

What child doesn't love marking somebody else's work? With a clear marking key, success criteria and purpose in mind, children set about assessing either their own, or a partner's piece of writing. Modelled through the teacher's own formative marking, pupils know what the expectations are. They are well trained in searching for successful examples of the learning intention, articulating their responses to the work, checking the writing matches any targets and giving constructive feedback. Seeing the children learn from each other in this way is hugely positive; you know you've done your job well.

1. Original text
2. The pictures were taken from google