Wednesday, June 17, 2015

National Character Building Based on the Islamic Bording School Traditions

Zulkipli Matondang
The aim this research is to know of building student character by education on pesantren (PP). The formula of this research problem,  how is teacher’s learning methods to character building  of student ?This reseach done with qualitative methods, among 10 days on PP Syekh Burhanuddin Kampar Riau. The data through with books study and direct observation about character building. Than done interview with header PP, teachers, students and prominent society of about PP. Data analysis done with triangulation concept, pursuant  to data various  from research, such is by  interview,  observation and and book analyze. The result of this research are: 1) PP Syekh Burhanuddin used 62 books title as base for building students character, 2) Character building done on daily lives, 3) The learning methods for character building by kyai with by example, and 4) Character building of outside class  such as mutual aid at day and discussion activity at night. As for advice on research findings namely: 1) policy making, pesantren educational system to emulate in building student character 2) header shool, making a concrete program in shaping student characters 3) teachers, to attention the development of student characters and 4) parents, to support the shools in building student characters.

Keywords : Education, Character, Yellow Books, Tradition, Pesantren.



Research Report by Bill G. Wullur, S.Pd MAED and Mareike S. D. Lotulung, S.Pd M.Pd conducted in Jan – May 2011, in the Faculty of Education,
Universitas Klabat—Airmadidi, Manado

The purpose of this research is to analyze (1) the influence of the pedagogic competence and of the professional competence toward the performance of teachers, (2) the relationship of pedagogic competence and professional competence in combination, to the performance of teachers. Specifically, the statements of the problem seek to inquire:
1.      Is there any significant effect of pedagogic competence toward teacher’s performance?
2.      Is there any significant effect of professional competence toward teacher’s performance?
3.      Is there any relationship of pedagogic competence and professional competence in combination, to the performance of teachers?

The research design used a quantitative approach with influence-testing method.  A sample of 120 teachers from 16 private junior high schools, randomly selected to represent all teachers from 54 private high schools in the North Minahasa Regency.  A cluster sampling method is used.  The instrument for gathering data is a questionnaire distributed to teachers.  Data collected from the questionnaire is examined and analyzed using a simple regression and multiple correlation technique.

The findings of this research is (1) there is a significant, strong and positive influence of the pedagogic competence toward the performance of teachers (2) there is a significant, adequately strong and positive influence of the professional competence toward the performance of teachers, and (3) there is a significant, strong and positive relationship of the pedagogic competence and professional competence with the performance of private high school teachers.  .

Based on the findings, these recommendations are drawn: 1) the high level of pedagogic competence, professional competence and performance of teachers need to be maintained by trainings.  Pedagogic competence is increased by practical-oriented curriculum of teachers’ education, professional competence is increased by teachers’ involvement in knowledge building, scientific forum, research, and professional affiliation, and by media utilization and ICT, and by subject matter expertise.    2) The low point in professional competence of teachers, which are: “using internet in teaching” need to be upgraded by conducting special training and by upgrading the internet facility. A media and technology utilization skills in classroom instructions should be required for teachers’ certification, and 5) the low points in performance which is teacher’s tardiness and absence should be reduced by closed supervision.

Keywords:  Pedagogic competence, professional competence, teacher performance, teacher competency.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Human Right and Hypocrisy

Human right is the basic rights that a person has since he was in the womb of his mother. Human rights apply universally. The basics of human rights are contained in the declaration of independence of the United States (Declaration of Independence of the USA) while in Indonesia it is stated in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, such as article 27 paragraph 1, article 28, article 29 paragraph 2, article 30 paragraph 1, and article 31 verse 1

In its development, the human rights that we know today are something very different from the previous rights such as those in the American Declaration of Independence or the French Declaration. The human rights referred to now are a set of rights developed by the United Nations since the end of World War II that do not recognize various state boundaries. As a consequence, states are obliged to protect the human rights of all their citizens and foreigners residing in their territories. Likewise, foreign countries should not act arbitrarily with citizens of other countries. Human rights guarantee that every human being, regardless of where he comes from, from which country, whatever his skin color and whatever his religion, gets protection from arbitrariness from any party. 

But in everyday practice all this is nonsense. European countries and the United States, which are human rights mouthpieces, are nakedly displaying their hypocrisy about the human rights they glorify. So we conclude that for a strong western country, human rights only apply to their group and those who agree with them. But for people who are not in line with America and especially those who are Muslim, human rights do not apply. 

It's not hard to prove it. How many humans were slaughtered in Egypt by the military, how many Muslims were massacred in Central Africa and other parts of the world, but the perpetrators were not subject to human rights violations because the government massacred its people according to the wishes of the United States of America. 

The most special and invulnerable to human rights is shown by the Jewish Zionist state of Israel. They are free to kill Palestinians anytime anywhere. Almost every day they kill Palestinians, either in Gaza or the west bank. There has never been a human rights claim against them. Likewise, the massacres carried out by the Israeli army in Shabra and Shatila, Lebanon are not considered as human On the other hand, the Former President of Sudan is categorized as a war criminal because he suppressed an insurgency in southern Sudan that is supported by western countries. Our soldiers who carry out their duties in East Timor are also subject to human rights violations, because East Timor at that time was supported by western countries.

Based on the history of the country that violates human rights the most is the country that always campaigns for human rights itself, namely the United States. They just arbitrarily killed civilians in the Vietnam war, Cambodia, Laos, Afghanistan, Iraq, and others. In conclusion, human rights are a hypocritical culture of western countries. rights violations.

On the other hand, , the Former President of Sudan is categorized as a war criminal because he suppressed an insurgency in southern Sudan that is supported by western countries. Our soldiers who carry out their duties in East Timor are also subject to human rights violations, because East Timor at that time was supported by western countries. 

Based on the history of the country that violates human rights the most is the country that always campaigns for human rights itself, namely the United States. They just arbitrarily killed civilians in the Vietnam war, Cambodia, Laos, Afghanistan, Iraq, and others. In conclusion, human rights are a hypocritical culture of western countries.

 However, it is very unfortunate that Arab countries or Muslims who are always victims are not moved to fight this injustice both organizationally and stately. It seems they are willing to be victims.

Monday, July 16, 2012


Phone Number. 081365525397


A.    Background of the Problem

Language has a central role in the intellectual, social, and emotional development of students. Language learning also helps students to be able to express ideas and feelings, participate in society, and even discover and use their analytical and imaginative abilities.

English is a tool for communicating orally and in writing. Communicating is understanding and expressing information, thoughts, feelings, and developing science, technology, and culture.

The ability to communicate in a complete sense is the ability to discourse, namely the ability to understand and/or produce spoken and/or written texts which are realized in four language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing.

In fact, the low mastery of English vocabulary owned by students may be caused by the monotonous teaching method of the teacher, or the low motivation of students to increase the number of English vocabulary, or perhaps inappropriate teaching methods, and the use of learning media, even perhaps the lack of learning support materials such as dictionaries, books, and others.

As a teacher, the author feels compelled to solve the problems that occur in the implementation of teaching assignments including the low mastery of English vocabulary, and the author feels that he has found a way to solve these problems through the use of learning media but increases the mastery of vocabulary in the participants' written English texts. The students studied by the author have not been scientifically tested. Therefore, the author made a classroom action research with the title "INCREASING VOCABULARY  IN WRITING RECOUNT TEXT THROUGH PICTURES  FOR CLASS X STUDENTS OF SMAN BINAAN KHUSUS DUMAI CITY."

B.     Identification of the Problem
Dengan mengacu pada latar belakang diatas, maka identifikasi masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut:
1.             Metode mengajar guru yang monoton,
2.             Rendahnya motivasi siswa untuk meningkatkan jumlah kosa kata bahasa Inggris,
3.             Metode mengajar yang tidak tepat,
4.             Tidak dimanfaatkannya media pembelajaran,
5.             Minimnya bahan-bahan penunjang pembelajaran seperti kamus, buku, dan lain-lainnya.

C.    Pembatasan Masalah
Berdasarkan identifikasi masalah diatas, penelitian ini dibatasi hanya pada meningkatkan penguasaan kosa kata menulis teks Recount siswa kelas X SMAN Binsus Kota Dumai melalui pemanfaatan media gambar.

D.    Rumusan Masalah
Dengan mengacu pada latar belakang masalah diatas, maka dapat dirumuskan rumusan masalah sebagai berikut:
1.      Meningkatkah penguasaan kosa kata bahasa Inggris siswa kelas X SMAN Binsus Kota Dumai melalui pemanfaatan media gambar?
2.      Bagaimanakah respon siswa terhadap pemakaian media gambar dalam meningkatkan penguasaan kosa kata bahasa Inggris?
3.      Apakah kendala yang dihadapi dalam peningkatan penguasaan kosa kata bahasa Inggris melalui pemanfaatan media gambar?
4.      Apakah pemanfaatan media gambar dapat meningkatkan penguasaan kosa kata bahasa Inggris siswa?

E.     Tujuan Penelitian
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah:
1.         Untuk mengetahui apakah penguasaan kosa kata menulis teks Recount siswa kelas X SMAN Binsus Kota Dumai meningkat melalui pemanfaatan media gambar.
2.         Untuk mengetahui respon siswa terhadap pemakain media gambar dalam meningkatkan penguasaan kosa kata menulis teks Recount.
3.         Untuk mengetahui kendala-kendala yang dihadapi dalam peningkatan penguasaan kosa kata bahasa menulis teks Recount melalui pemanfaatan media gambar.
4.         Untuk mengetahui manfaat media gambar dalam meningkatkan penguasaan kosa kata menulis teks Recount.

F.     Manfaat Penelitian
Dari hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi dalam upaya peningkatan penguasaan kosa kata dalam menulis teks Recount siswa kelas X SMAN Binsus Kota Dumai. Adapun manfaat penelitian ini adalah untuk:
1.      Peneliti
a.       Melalui media gambar akan mempermudah peneliti dalam membimbing siswa menulis teks Recount.
b.      Menjadi prasyarat untuk mengajukan usulan kenaiakan pangkat dari IV/a ke IV/b.
2.      Siswa
a.         Mempermudah siswa menemukan kosa kata yang tepat dalam menulis teks Recount.
b.        Meningkatkan motivasi dan keaktifan siswa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran.

A.       Kajian Teori / Pustaka
1.        Kosa Kata
Berdasarkan World English Dictionary, pengertian kosa kata atau dalam bahasa Inggris vocabulary (vəˈkæbjʊlərɪ) — n  , pl –laries adalah:
1.        a listing, either selective or exhaustive, containing the words and phrases of a language, with meanings or translations into another language; glossary
2.        the aggregate of words in the use or comprehension of a specified person, class, profession, etc
3.        all the words contained in a language
4.        a range or system of symbols, qualities, or techniques constituting a means of communication or expression, as any of the arts or crafts: a wide vocabulary of textures and colours

2.      Teks Recount
A.     Definition of Recount
Recount is a text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience. There is no complication among the participants and that differentiates from narrative
B.     Generic Structure of Recount
1.      Orientation: Introducing the participants, place and time
2.      Events: Describing series of event that happened in the past
3.      Reorientation: It is optional. Stating personal comment of the writer to the story
C.     Language Feature of Recount
a.         Introducing personal participant; I, my group, etc
b.        Using chronological connection; then, first, etc
c.         Using linking verb; was, were, saw, heard, etc
d.        Using action verb; look, go, change, etc
e.         Using simple past tense
3.      Media Gambar
Menurut Oemar Hamalik (1986:43) berpendapat bahwa “ Gambar adalah segala sesuatu yang diwujudkan secara visual dalam bentuk dua dimensi sebagai curahan perasaan atau pikiran”. Sedangkan dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (2001: 329) “ Gambar adalah tiruan barang, binatang, tumbuhan dan sebagainya.”
Menurut Arief Sadiman, Dkk (2003: 28-29): Media grafis visual sebagimana halnya media yang lain. Media grafis untuk menyalurkan pesan dari sumber ke penerima pesan. Saluran yang dipakai menyangkut indera penglihatan. Pesan yang akan disampikan dituangkan ke dalam simbol-simbol komunikasi visual. Simbol-simbol tersebut perlu dipahami benar artinya agar proses penyampian pesan dapat berhasil dan efisien.
Selain fungsi umum tersebut, secara khusus gambar berfungsi pula untuk menarik perhatian, memperjelas sajian ide, mengilustrasikan atau menghiasi fakta yang mungkin cepat akan dilupakan atau diabaikan tidak digambarkan. Gambar termasuk media yang relatif mudah ditinjau dari segi biayanya.

B.     Penelitian yang Relevan

C.    Kerangka Berpikir

            Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pencapaian hasil belajar siswa. Metodoligi penelitiannya adalah sbb:
A.    Setting Penelitian
1.      Tempat
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMAN Binaan Khusus Kota Dumai karena peneliti merupakan guru tetap disekolah tersebut.
2.      Waktu
Penelitian ini akan dilaksanakan dalam tenggang waktu 2 bulan, yaitu mulai bulan september 2012 sampai dengan bulan
3.      Subject
Subject penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X. 4 dengan jumlah siswa 29 orang yang terdiri dari 7 orang siswa laki-laki dan 22 orang siswa perempuan. Peneliti memilih kelas X. 4 sebagai subject penelitian karena rendahnya penguasaan kosa kata yang mendukung
B.     Prosedur Penelitian
Penelitian ini direncanakan dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus.
Siklus pertama :
1.         Mencari materi
2.         Membuat RPP
3.         Memberikan Pretest (optional)
4.         Memberikan Perlakuan (Tindakan)
5.         Memberikan pengujian
Siklus Dua:
1.         Menganalisa Hasil
2.         Refleksi
3.         Memberikan Perlakuan (Tindakan)
Siklus Tiga:
1.                   Menganalisa Hasil
2.                   Refleksi
C.    Instrumen Penelitian
Instrumen penelitian berupa test tertulis berupa penugasan, Lembar pengamatan,
D.    Analisis Data
Keberhasilan penelitian ini ditentukan oleh meningkatnya hasil belajar dan respon yang baik dari siswa, oleh karena itu untuk mengukur hasil belajar digunakan test tertulis untuk setiap siklus. Analisa data dilakukan dengan melihat peningkatan hasil dari siklus satu, siklus dua, dan siklus tiga yang dijelaskan berupa angka dan deskripsi kemajuan . Sedangkan respon siswa instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar pengamatan, dan data akan dianalisa melalui deskripsi respon siswa selama proses belajar mengajar berlangsung.