Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Influence of Using Multi Media toward the Motivation and Learning result of Matchmatic the Vocational school students

Fathur Rahmi, S. Pd
Tebing Tinggi


Mathematics score and students motivation of mathematics learning in SMK is quite low.In the case of SMK Negeri 2 Tebing Tinggi, One of the causes is usage of not accurate learning mediaThe aim of this research are to know : (1) Influence the use of ICT as learning media to the student motivation on learning in SMK; (2) Influence the use of ICT as learning media to the result of Mathematics learning in SMK.
This research is a quasi-experimen.  Independent variable are  ICT’s media  and module using in mathematics learning, whereas dependent variable are student  motivation and the result of mathematics learning. The population of this research is the first level student of SMK Negeri 2 Tebing Tinggi.  Sampling methods used cluster random sampling. Data Collecting was done by using the instruments of studying motivation and multiple choice tests. The analysis of questioning the test consists of the analysis of different capacity of difficulty level. The analysis of instrument used content validity and reliability. Data analysis is done by using: the test balance of mean, normality test, homogeneity test, and test the research hypothesis.
The findings are: (1) Student’s motivation by using ICT  media is higher than using the media module of the fist level students of SMK Negeri 2 Tebing Tinggi (2) Average learning outcomes mathematic by using ICT media is higher than using the media module of the fist level students of SMK Negeri 2 Tebing Tinggi. Recommendations:  local government should provide facilities and infrastructure based on ICT in vocational school; conduct the training for the teacher on manufacture of ICT-based modules to become professional teachers. Central government should accelerate internet connection widely, and low cost, so that the problem of digital gap can be solved.

Keywords : ICT media, Motivation and the result of mathematics learing.

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