Friday, February 4, 2022

How to Stay warm When camping in Cold area

 Camping is a fun outdoor activity to fill the holiday time. With camping, we get rid of boredom after facing tiring routine work. Likewise, our camping activities can interact with various types of friends, share jokes, and do other fun activities. Camping locations can vary, it can be in the beach area or in the mountainous area. In general, in coastal areas, we have no problems with air temperature, because the air is quite hot. On the other hand, in mountainous areas, the air is very cold. Now, how do we stay warm when camping in a cold area?
One of article in exposes 5 effective ways to keep warm when camping in cold weather . They are as follows : follows :

1.  Know before you go

It is highly important that you know what you will be up against when it comes to the weather during your trip. The best way to stay warm is to be informed beforehand, so you know what to prepare, what to bring and what to expect.

Check the weather forecasts and trends. You can also do research about recent changes in the terrain and trail closures of your chosen location. Best if you contact the park's ranger to be updated.

2. Pack the essentials

The right clothing and sleeping gear are paramount to help fight the cold outdoors. When packing your clothes, bring layers - preferably synthetic and wool base layers. Gloves, thick socks, boots and cold-weather hat are important.

When it comes to sleeping gear, a closed cell foam sleeping pad, a sleeping bag (with the appropriate temperature rating) and a warming/space blanket are ideal.

3. Pee Before You Sleep

You wouldn't want to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom when it's freezing cold. Also, your body will be dispensing a lot of energy keeping the pee inside your body when your bladder is full, so it's best to empty it out before you hit the sack.

4. Keep a hot water bottle inside your sleeping bag

During winter or really cold nights, one thing you can try to help keep warm is to fill your water bottle with hot water then put it inside your sleeping bag in between your legs. Wrap a cloth around it if it's too hot. It will act like a sauna inside your sleeping bag.

5. Keep yourself above the ground

For cold weather camping, it's ideal to bring 2 sleeping pads to put between your sleeping bag and the ground. Basically, the further you are away from the cold ground, the warmer you'll be!

Keep in mind these 5 effective ways to keep warm when camping in cold weather!. Happy camping

Note :
1. Article Source:

2. Some pictures are taken from google.

Article Source:

Saturday, October 30, 2021

The Activities that Lower Your Self Confidence

 Self-confidence plays an important role in one's life because with strong confidence one dares to challenge the problems that arise. Likewise, a person's strong self-confidence can develop their potential to the fullest. This self-confidence must always be nurtured and developed so that we can pursue the coveted goals. Therefore, try not to lose confidence in yourself. The following are habits that can lower self-confidence, as reported by


1.      Constant comparison with others:

 Nobody's journey is the same as yours and not everyone has the same personal or professional goals like you. Your only real parameter of growth is how far have you come at a personal level. As long as you strive to be a better and more aware version of yourself every day, you are on the right track.

2.      Taking failure to heart: 

If success was to come easy, it wouldn't feel like a victory. If everything was to be served on a platter, you wouldn't enjoy it, not every minute would feel like something you should cherish. Failures are important and they tell you that your life is yet to bring you the best of experiences and achievements. You can wake up every day wanting more opportunities to learn and challenges to face. Learn from your failures and do better.

3.      Surrounding yourself with superficial people: 

Keeping your circle small is okay. It's okay to keep to yourself and not have someone to go for Saturday night parties with. It's okay to not have every colleague invite you to all sorts of galas because not everyone in each room will want the best for you. Instead of surrounding yourself with people who will fill you up with negative vibrations and a sense of self-doubt, surround yourself with people who do not wish to compete with you or demotivate you. These are the people who will be cheering for you from the front row seat, showing off your every move and telling you how proud they are of you.

4.      Pitying yourself: 

Self-pity is one of the worst things you can put yourself through. Yes, people have it better and yes, some people have it worse. But your journey is different and no, bad things do not happen only to you. Create your reality and learn to believe in yourself. Make the best of every opportunity and if it doesn't work out, do not live the rest of your life doubting your every move. Instead, figure out what you could've done better and experiment more. Nothing lasts forever so you mustn't continue feeling like the hardships will never end for you.

5.      Constantly overthinking:

 Stop convincing yourself that your work is subpar and stop creating unreal scenarios in your head. You will not get fired for printing the wrong sheet or highlighting the word wrong. Even if you have messed up on a larger scale, a good mentor will always tell you it's alright and tell you what you could have done better. What's the worst that'll happen? You'll get fired. It's a tough world but it's also one with booming opportunities. You might not end up doing what you love immediately but with the right mindset and ambition, everything is achievable. That is all you need to convince your mind of. Everything else can be dealt with.


 Those are some habits that you must avoid so that your self-confidence remains stable and does not weaken. Happy working

Note :

1. Source of article

2. Some pictures are taken from google


Friday, October 22, 2021

Here are The Types Friends that Should be Avoided


There is a saying, "One man's enemy is more than enough, a thousand friends is far from enough." In essence we should have many   friends. Indeed, many friends will give us various advantages and conveniences. However, there are types of friends that we should stay away from, because it could be difficult for us later.

Reported by BABW.COM, here are 5 types of friends to avoid:

1.Do not let us argue

Friends should be a place to share and exchange opinions. However, it will be the other way around if you find the wrong friend. Friends like this will continue to restrain you and you will continue to be under his control.

2. Take advantage of you

Friends naturally can provide mutual benefits to each other. But what happens if only one party benefits. Making friends with friends like this will make you tired of yourself.

3. You're always there for her, but she disappears when you need her

In friendship, both parties must always be there. But what happens if you befriend a person who disappears when needed. Make sure again if you are friends with ordinary people, not the Avatar who when needed he disappears.

4 . No Trust

Trust will create a sense of security and trust. In friendship, this feeling is needed. If it is not based on your race, you will only be filled with suspicion and discomfort.

5.Toxic Friends

Here, the meaning of a toxic friend is a friend who plunges you in the opposite direction from yourself. Making friends with people like this is something you should stay away from. Toxic friends can keep you from being the best version of yourself.

So those are the types of friends who are not good in our daily interactions. Even though they are not good, it doesn't mean we are enemies. It's just that we have to keep our distance not too close. Right?
1. Manuscript followed directly from
2. Some of the pictures are taken from google


Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Healthy Food To Gain Weight for Skinny Persons


For people of developed and prosperous countries, their problem is being overweight, so they try how to reduce their weight, because it is believed that being overweight can cause various diseases. On the other hand, in certain areas that are not yet so prosperous, there are even many emaciated residents who make their appearance less good. Well, they need to increase their weight. Here we will discuss some healthy foods that can increase weight

1.        Rice


Rice is the main food in various parts of the world, including Indonesia, which can help you gain weight. In 100 grams of rice, there are 175 calories and 40 grams of carbohydrates. Rice is a calorie-dense food, containing quite high calories and carbohydrates in one serving. Plus when you eat rice, you also add a variety of side dishes. Thus, the calories that enter your body also increase.

2.        Red Meat

A dish of grilled red meat, coupled with a delicious sauce, and served with fried potatoes and vegetables, makes it a complete and delicious dish. Steak meat can also contribute quite a lot of calories for those of you who want to gain weight. You can also get fat if you eat fatty meat, of course this also contributes a lot of extra calories for you.

In addition to the calories you get, meat also provides a lot of protein and amino acids. In 6 ounces of meat contained 3 grams of the amino acid leucine. Leucine is needed to stimulate muscle protein synthesis and add new muscle tissue.

3.         Peanut

The next source of plant-based protein is nuts. However, in nuts you can also find omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, and fiber. Nuts also provide sufficient calories. Almonds, for example, in 100 grams can provide 21 grams of protein, 49 grams of fat, and 575 calories. You can add peanuts or processed nuts, such as peanut butter, in your daily diet. This can help you in gaining weight.

4.        Avocado

One of the fruits that contain healthy fats is avocado. Therefore, avocados are included in the fruit that has a lot of calories. This fruit can certainly help you in gaining weight. One large avocado weighing 200 grams can provide 322 calories, 29 grams of fat, and 17 grams of fiber. You can eat it straight or add this fruit to your diet.

5.        Milk

This  drink can also help you gain weight, especially if you drink full cream milk which contains full fat. Milk contains many nutrients, such as protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Milk is also a good source of calcium for you. If you don't want to drink it, you can add it to cereals, puddings, smoothies, and more.

6.        Yogurt

These healthy foods can also help you gain weight, especially if you opt for full-fat yogurt. In addition, you can also add fruits, nuts, honey, and granola in a glass of yogurt as your breakfast. This can help you get extra calories

7.        Chesse

Cheese is widely used to wrap food today. Almost everyone likes it. There is no match for its deliciousness, but it also saves a lot of calories and fat. For those of you who want to gain weight, this could be one way for you. One ounce of cheddar cheese, for example, contains 113 calories and 9 grams of fat (6 grams of saturated fat). Cheese is also a source of protein and calcium.

8.         Dried Fruit

Dried fruit such as raisins are often added to foods, such as cakes, puddings, yogurt, and smoothies. However, do not get me wrong that this fruit contains few calories. In fact, dried fruit contains more calories than fresh fruit. One glass of dried fruit contains 5-8 times more calories and sugar than one glass of fresh fruit. So, dried fruit can be a good solution for those of you who want to gain weight. In addition, dried fruit also contains antioxidants as well as vitamins and minerals.

Those are 8 healthy foods that can be consumed for those who want to gain weight so that their appearance looks healthy and prosperous. good luck