Friday, October 22, 2021

Here are The Types Friends that Should be Avoided


There is a saying, "One man's enemy is more than enough, a thousand friends is far from enough." In essence we should have many   friends. Indeed, many friends will give us various advantages and conveniences. However, there are types of friends that we should stay away from, because it could be difficult for us later.

Reported by BABW.COM, here are 5 types of friends to avoid:

1.Do not let us argue

Friends should be a place to share and exchange opinions. However, it will be the other way around if you find the wrong friend. Friends like this will continue to restrain you and you will continue to be under his control.

2. Take advantage of you

Friends naturally can provide mutual benefits to each other. But what happens if only one party benefits. Making friends with friends like this will make you tired of yourself.

3. You're always there for her, but she disappears when you need her

In friendship, both parties must always be there. But what happens if you befriend a person who disappears when needed. Make sure again if you are friends with ordinary people, not the Avatar who when needed he disappears.

4 . No Trust

Trust will create a sense of security and trust. In friendship, this feeling is needed. If it is not based on your race, you will only be filled with suspicion and discomfort.

5.Toxic Friends

Here, the meaning of a toxic friend is a friend who plunges you in the opposite direction from yourself. Making friends with people like this is something you should stay away from. Toxic friends can keep you from being the best version of yourself.

So those are the types of friends who are not good in our daily interactions. Even though they are not good, it doesn't mean we are enemies. It's just that we have to keep our distance not too close. Right?
1. Manuscript followed directly from
2. Some of the pictures are taken from google


Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Healthy Food To Gain Weight for Skinny Persons


For people of developed and prosperous countries, their problem is being overweight, so they try how to reduce their weight, because it is believed that being overweight can cause various diseases. On the other hand, in certain areas that are not yet so prosperous, there are even many emaciated residents who make their appearance less good. Well, they need to increase their weight. Here we will discuss some healthy foods that can increase weight

1.        Rice


Rice is the main food in various parts of the world, including Indonesia, which can help you gain weight. In 100 grams of rice, there are 175 calories and 40 grams of carbohydrates. Rice is a calorie-dense food, containing quite high calories and carbohydrates in one serving. Plus when you eat rice, you also add a variety of side dishes. Thus, the calories that enter your body also increase.

2.        Red Meat

A dish of grilled red meat, coupled with a delicious sauce, and served with fried potatoes and vegetables, makes it a complete and delicious dish. Steak meat can also contribute quite a lot of calories for those of you who want to gain weight. You can also get fat if you eat fatty meat, of course this also contributes a lot of extra calories for you.

In addition to the calories you get, meat also provides a lot of protein and amino acids. In 6 ounces of meat contained 3 grams of the amino acid leucine. Leucine is needed to stimulate muscle protein synthesis and add new muscle tissue.

3.         Peanut

The next source of plant-based protein is nuts. However, in nuts you can also find omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, and fiber. Nuts also provide sufficient calories. Almonds, for example, in 100 grams can provide 21 grams of protein, 49 grams of fat, and 575 calories. You can add peanuts or processed nuts, such as peanut butter, in your daily diet. This can help you in gaining weight.

4.        Avocado

One of the fruits that contain healthy fats is avocado. Therefore, avocados are included in the fruit that has a lot of calories. This fruit can certainly help you in gaining weight. One large avocado weighing 200 grams can provide 322 calories, 29 grams of fat, and 17 grams of fiber. You can eat it straight or add this fruit to your diet.

5.        Milk

This  drink can also help you gain weight, especially if you drink full cream milk which contains full fat. Milk contains many nutrients, such as protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Milk is also a good source of calcium for you. If you don't want to drink it, you can add it to cereals, puddings, smoothies, and more.

6.        Yogurt

These healthy foods can also help you gain weight, especially if you opt for full-fat yogurt. In addition, you can also add fruits, nuts, honey, and granola in a glass of yogurt as your breakfast. This can help you get extra calories

7.        Chesse

Cheese is widely used to wrap food today. Almost everyone likes it. There is no match for its deliciousness, but it also saves a lot of calories and fat. For those of you who want to gain weight, this could be one way for you. One ounce of cheddar cheese, for example, contains 113 calories and 9 grams of fat (6 grams of saturated fat). Cheese is also a source of protein and calcium.

8.         Dried Fruit

Dried fruit such as raisins are often added to foods, such as cakes, puddings, yogurt, and smoothies. However, do not get me wrong that this fruit contains few calories. In fact, dried fruit contains more calories than fresh fruit. One glass of dried fruit contains 5-8 times more calories and sugar than one glass of fresh fruit. So, dried fruit can be a good solution for those of you who want to gain weight. In addition, dried fruit also contains antioxidants as well as vitamins and minerals.

Those are 8 healthy foods that can be consumed for those who want to gain weight so that their appearance looks healthy and prosperous. good luck





Monday, October 4, 2021

Bad Consequences If You Expect Too Much To Meet Other People's Expectation

It's common  in this life anyone is always a hope or expectation of the environment. Starting from the family , the surrounding  and the community. New born baby, the parents' hope is already in the baby. They hope the baby  to be a pious child, smart, and so on. Likewise, when school, parents hope that every time they receive their child's report card, they will be ranked first.

This continues. Many parents want their children to go to school, some want their children to go to public schools, some want to go to madrasas, Islamic boarding schools and so on. And expectations apply to all aspects of life, such as behavior, speech, manners, behavior and so on and so on. So that many people in this life behave not as they want but act like the expectations of their environment.

Meeting other people's expectations   is indeed a positive thing. But if we always hope to fulfill it, of course it is not good, we are not free to act and act, work and express as we desire.   In fact, Hamas, Nurhan RT, who wrote on IDNTIMES COM, stated that there are 5 bad effects that occur if we expect too much to meet the expectations of others, namely:

1. You always depend on happiness based on validation from others

The first bad impact is that you will not be able to make your own version of happiness. 

If you always depend on the benchmark of happiness based on the validation of others, then you will be confused what is the true meaning of happiness in your opinion? If that happens, as a result, your life will only be about what other people think so that true happiness is difficult to happen.

2. You will feel burdened in living everyday life

Not only is it difficult to find true happiness, you will always feel burdened if you often meet other people's expectations. This is because you always try not to make mistakes so as not to be blasphemed by others.

At first glance, you are so careful in socializing. However, in reality you feel depressed because you are living a life that is not what you want. From now on, try to stop this habit because it will only make you suffer.

3. You will tend to underestimate your own abilities

Thinking too much about other people's expectations will only make it easy for you to underestimate your own abilities. This can happen because you only focus on the bad scorn from others about you. So, you rarely appreciate all your efforts. 

In fact, you need to appreciate every hard work that has been done by yourself, you know. So that this does not happen, try not to underestimate yourself, okay?

4. You will use various ways to fulfill expectations, even if it hurts

Someone who often tries to meet the expectations of others is identical to a hard working attitude but in a negative context.

If usually someone will work hard for their own achievement, but in this case you do it for the fulfillment of other people's expectations. You will also try to do things even though it is beyond your ability.

If you keep doing it, sooner or later it will torture you.

5. If you fail to meet other people's expectations, you will become stressed

It was previously mentioned that someone who is used to meeting other people's expectations will tend to be willing to do everything. If you don't stop, bad things will happen, namely   prolonged stress if you fail to meet expectations. 

The stress that arises is not because of disappointment, but fear of blasphemy from others. Bad things like this should not happen, because failure is a natural thing. 

After reading this article, cut back on meeting other people's expectations of you. Remember that what saves your life from adversity is yourself, not other people's expectations. good luck!


1. Text sourced from

2, Some pictures are taken from google.


Saturday, October 2, 2021

One Day Trip Success Tips

One day trip is a traveling trip that only takes one day. That is, we leave in the morning and in the evening or at night we return home. This one day trip is relatively easy to do because the time is short and there is no need to wait for time off and so on. The cost is also cheaper because we don't have to pay for lodging. But even if it's only one day the fun doesn't lose, you know.

Now, how does a one day trip succeed and be maximally successful? For this reason, I deliberately quote a tip written by Isna Triono which was published in Karya. ID

1. Nearby destinations

Choose a tourist destination that is close to your city and can be reached in only 1-2 hours away. If there's a point of interest in town that you've never explored, that's even better. Because there is nothing wrong with being a 'tourist' in your own city. After all, you can still get exciting experiences and new atmospheres.

2. Use the services of a trip organizer

Currently, there are so many trip organizers that offer one day trip packages at low prices. The advantage of using a trip organizer is that you no longer need to worry about which destinations to stop at or about transportation. Trip organizers also usually provide meals for guests. Practical isn't it?

3. Arrange the itinerary as efficiently as possible

An efficient itinerary makes our one day trip maximum. Unlike usual traveling, we are chased by time to visit several areas, one day trips can usually only visit 1-2 places. And that makes us maximally explore the area.

4. Depart at dawn

With an earlier start time, you can more fully enjoy a one day trip. This is one of the effective tricks so that in one day, you can enjoy a short vacation.

5. Prepare a spare battery or power bank

One day trips can also give you an exciting experience and enrich your social media accounts. So, bring a spare battery or power bank so you can take as many photos as you want.  Good luck.

Notes :

The source of the article is